Church for Kids
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

4 years-2nd grade & 3rd-6th grade
Shaping Biblical Imagination through Godly Play:
We are committed to telling Scripture to children in such a way that they can enter the stories deeply and personally. Our goal is not pat answers, but an encounter with Christ. We find that this best happens when the story is told quietly and compellingly, followed by a series of questions where the children get to ‘wonder’ together. Questions we ask are: I wonder what was your favorite part of the story? I wonder what was the most important part? I wonder how you would feel if Jesus looked at you? (… and other story-specific questions). I wonder where you are in this story, or if something like this has happened to you? I wonder if we can take away any part of this story, and still have all the story that we need? During this time, the children share deeply and relate their own lives to the story. Following this ‘wondering’ time, the children respond further through art or quiet play – again, allowing the story to have its way with them in the deepest places in their lives and hearts. Godly Play classes are based on scripture and from books by Sonja Steward: Young Children and Worship , and Following Jesus. This curriculum is based on the Montessori method based on the belief that children learn best by doing and playing. In our classes, children “play” Bible stories.
*Parents are always welcome to come and see what God is doing in our classes! We love to welcome newcomers and visitors.
We are committed to telling Scripture to children in such a way that they can enter the stories deeply and personally. Our goal is not pat answers, but an encounter with Christ. We find that this best happens when the story is told quietly and compellingly, followed by a series of questions where the children get to ‘wonder’ together. Questions we ask are: I wonder what was your favorite part of the story? I wonder what was the most important part? I wonder how you would feel if Jesus looked at you? (… and other story-specific questions). I wonder where you are in this story, or if something like this has happened to you? I wonder if we can take away any part of this story, and still have all the story that we need? During this time, the children share deeply and relate their own lives to the story. Following this ‘wondering’ time, the children respond further through art or quiet play – again, allowing the story to have its way with them in the deepest places in their lives and hearts. Godly Play classes are based on scripture and from books by Sonja Steward: Young Children and Worship , and Following Jesus. This curriculum is based on the Montessori method based on the belief that children learn best by doing and playing. In our classes, children “play” Bible stories.
*Parents are always welcome to come and see what God is doing in our classes! We love to welcome newcomers and visitors.
3years and under
Babies and toddlers are welcome to stay in service, play in the nursery room with a parent, or under the care of a nursery volunteer. This room has TV and audio so you can enjoy the service even if your child needs their own space.